Interface OpenAIEmbeddingsParams

Interface for OpenAIEmbeddings parameters. Extends EmbeddingsParams and defines additional parameters specific to the OpenAIEmbeddings class.


Implemented by


modelName: string

Model name to use

batchSize?: number

The maximum number of documents to embed in a single request. This is limited by the OpenAI API to a maximum of 2048.

maxConcurrency?: number

The maximum number of concurrent calls that can be made. Defaults to Infinity, which means no limit.

maxRetries?: number

The maximum number of retries that can be made for a single call, with an exponential backoff between each attempt. Defaults to 6.

onFailedAttempt?: FailedAttemptHandler

Custom handler to handle failed attempts. Takes the originally thrown error object as input, and should itself throw an error if the input error is not retryable.

stripNewLines?: boolean

Whether to strip new lines from the input text. This is recommended by OpenAI for older models, but may not be suitable for all use cases. See:

timeout?: number

Timeout to use when making requests to OpenAI.

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